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Digital Piano Raiders use the piano pedals

Using digital piano pedal, it plays a very important role in the digital piano performance. Whether it is the rhythm of the needs, or changes in harmony, they need to be controlled by the pedal.

    Suonai Ke digital piano AP-650M is equipped with three pedals: damper, soft tone lottery Sustain

So, what are they function?
Damper pedal
In the course of playing, press the damper pedal, the notes you play can make very long time; for example, when the GRAND PIANO tone is selected as the tone, pressing this pedal will cause notes to be like standing on the grand piano vocal echo as the next damper pedal.
Soft pedal
Play process, pressing this pedal echo suppressed after pressing this pedal notes played on the keyboard, making it softer.
Lottery sustain pedal
The pedal is pressed notes played according to the keys of the extension is to stay open until the pedal.

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